Baugran® in concrete blocks, panels and grouting mortars
Baugran® used as a lightweight aggregate for a wide range of blocks and panels providing a density below 1000 kg/m3 (GOST 25820-201). A more lightweight constuctions increase an overall productivity by reducing the steps of the process and reduce transport costs in the construction industry. Wall structures made of blocks filled with Baugarn® do not require additional insulation, reducing the load on the foundation, provide additional sound insulation, reduce the consumption of cement.
Benefits of using Baugran®
- Reducing the costs on a heating;
- non-toxic, provides clean air indoor;
- when burning, no emissions of harmful substances;
- structure of concrete and grouting mortars filled with Baugran® provides a effective bond with a plaster, and excellent breathability;
- the lower product weight allows a cost-reduced handling and shorter construction time.